Previous Issues
Editorial board
Dr. Christine Appel (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, ES) | Dr. Elisabet Arnó (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, ES) | Dr. Elena Bárcena (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, ES) | Dr. Robert Blake (University of California, Davis, USA) | Dr. Françoise Blin (Dublin City University, IE) | Dr. Alex Boulton (Université de Lorraine, FR) | Dr. María Dolores Castrillo (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, ES) | Dr. Angela Chambers (University of Limerick, IE) | Dr. Thierry Chanier (Université Clermont 2, FR) | Dr. Letizia Cinganotto (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation, Educational Research, IT) | Dr. Jozef Colpaert (University of Antwerp, BE) | Dr. Frederik Cornillie (University of Leuven, BE) | Mr. Anthony Fitzpatrick (Consultant, UK) | Dr. John Gillespie (University of Ulster at Coleraine, UK) | Dr. Marta González-Lloret (University of Hawai’i, Manoa, USA) | Dr. Mar Gutiérrez-Colón Plana (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, ES) | Dr. Mirjam Hauck (The Open University, UK) | Dr. Trude Heift (Simon Fraser University, Canada) | Dr. Phil Hubbard (Stanford University, USA) | Dr. Kristi Jauregui (University of Utrecht, NL) | Dr. María Jordano (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, ES) | Dr. Mike Levy (University of Queensland, Australia) | Dr. Peter Liddell (University of Victoria, Canada) | Dr. Antonio Martínez-Sáez (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ES) | Dr. Robert O’Dowd (Universidad de León, ES) | Dr. Ana Oskoz (University of Maryland, USA) | Dr. Pascual Pérez-Paredes (Universidad de Murcia, ES) | Dr. David Perry (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ES) | Dr. Joan Tomàs Pujolà (Universitat de Barcelona, ES) | Dr. Timothy Read (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, ES) | Dr. Esperanza Roman-Mendoza (George Mason University, USA) | Dr. Germán Ruipérez (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, ES) | Dr. Bernd Rüschoff (University of Duisburg-Essen, DE) | Dr. Randall Sadler (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA) | Dr. Shannon Sauro (Malmö University, SE) | Dr. Mathias Schulze (University of Waterloo, Canada) | Dr. Rafael Seiz-Ortiz (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, ES) | Dr. Ana Sevilla-Pavón (Universitat de València, ES) | Dr. Bryan Smith (Arizona State University, USA) | Dr. Peppi Taalas (University of Jyvaskylä, FI) | Dr. Steven Thorne (Pennsylvania State University, USA) | Dr. Margarita Vinagre (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, ES) | Dr. George S. Ypsilandis (Aristotle University, GR) |
Articles submitted to The EUROCALL Review are double-blind peer-reviewed by members of the Editorial Board. EUROCALL is very grateful to them for their contribution to the quality of the Journal.
Aims and scope
The EUROCALL Review is an open access journal published online biannually and edited by former EUROCALL President (2005-2011), Ana Gimeno, Professor of English Language and Applied Linguistics in the Department of Applied Linguistics, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain). Regular sections are:
- Reports on EUROCALL Special Interest Groups: up-to-date information on SIG activities
- Projects: reports on on-going CALL or CALL-related R&D projects
- Recommended websites: reports and reviews of examples of good practice in language learning website development
- Research papers on CALL related topics
- Research and Development papers on CALL related topics
- Reflective Practice papers on CALL related topics
- Reviews of new books, CALL software, etc.
If you can provide information on any topic of interest to the CALL community, please send this directly to Ana Gimeno, email
The EUROCALL Review is indexed in
ERIC (Education Resources Information Center – an internet-based digital library of education research and information sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the U.S. Department of Education.)
DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) – an online directory that indexes and provides access to quality open access, peer-reviewed journals.
MLA Modern Language Association International Bibliography.
The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS). This database contains data on scientifically approved European journals within the disciplines of humanities and social sciences.

Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico.
The EUROCALL Review is also listed in the DULCINEA database, providing bibliographic data, access policies and self-archiving-policies, and in Wiley’s Linguistics Abstracts Online database – a continually updated database with abstracts appearing within 6-12 months of publication.
Guidelines for contributors
Before being reviewed, each submission is first checked for:
- Relevance (i.e. the relationship between technology and language teaching/learning is clearly explicated in the article)
- Originality/substance (i.e. the paper brings something new to the field)
- Indication, where appropriate, of rigorous data collection and analysis
- Bibliography (i.e. up-to-date and relevant to CALL)
- Language (non-native speakers of English are advised to have their article proof-read by a native speaker prior to submission)
- Form (i.e. compliance with manuscript requirements, structure and style appropriate to an academic international publication)
- Plagiarism
If any of the above is deemed unsatisfactory, the editor will notify the authors that their paper is not suitable for publication at this time.
Interactive features: Due to the Journal’s interactive features, authors may include any type of media they wish in their articles (audio, video, animations,…).
Graphic aides: Tables, figures, photographs, graphics, or other digital files which are necessary for comprehension are encouraged. They should include reference citations. Please include them in the text where they should appear AND provide any graphics separately as high resolution files (.JPG, .PNG, .TIFF, etc.).
Title: The title of the article should be brief and allow readers to identify the topic and content easily.
Author(s): Please provide complete affiliation and e-mails of all authors.
Abstract: Please provide an abstract of approximately 300 words. The abstract should include the scope and intention of the paper, with a concise description of the methodology, supporting theories, general results, and main conclusions.
Keywords. Please provide up to six key words of your choice.
Length: Papers should not exceed 5000 words (including abstract, references and appendices).
References: Authors should follow the rules of APA Style.

The EUROCALL Review is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. Ownership of copyright remains with the Author(s), provided that, when reproducing the Contribution or extracts from it, the Author(s) acknowledge first publication in The EUROCALL Review and provide a full reference or web link as appropriate.
The EUROCALL Review does not have either article submission charges or article processing charges (APCs).