Policy Document
- Information and Communications Technologies and multimedia applications should be integral parts of all modern language curricula. They provide teachers and learners with authentic materials and cultural information and help to promote intercultural awareness and mutual understanding. They should serve as learning tools and classroom resources rather than instructional devices. EUROCALL will strive towards ensuing that their exploitation is embedded in a principled and harmonious approach to language teaching, taking the interests and the learning styles of students as their point of departure.
- Since Information and Communications Technologies facilitate international contacts amongst teachers and learners, EUROCALL will support activities which focus on concepts of their exploitation and examples of good practice in order to provide an educational framework so that teachers and learners can fully benefit from the educational potential of telematics.
- The use of Information and Communications Technologies for distance learning, both at national and international levels, should be promoted in order to make educational provision more flexible and accessible to a wide range of users. It is EUROCALL’s intention to engage in activities which will further this aspect of CALL & TELL.
- The key to the introduction and acceptance of Information and Communications Technologies lies in teacher training. Information about and training in appropriate uses of modern technologies as well as handling of the necessary technical equipment is essential. EUROCALL will provide an information network so that access to technical support and information on how to integrate such media into their daily classroom practice becomes available to all teachers of modern languages. Furthermore, in addition to the conferences, EUROCALL will support members in their efforts to run practical workshops and initial and in-service teacher training programmes, and distribute examples of good practice via the EUROCALL database.
- EUROCALL will continue its efforts to examine possibilities for and foster continued co-operation between colleagues involved in the development of Information and Communications Technologies and their pedagogical application amongst its members. It will also encourage the formation and strengthening of special interest groups within EUROCALL devoted to promoting CALL & TELL in foreign language learning.
- EUROCALL will give continued support to and co-operate with existing networks and organisations world-wide in the area of language learning and media exploitation.
EUROCALL Executive Committee