Jornadas ALAO

Desde el año 2007 el Grupo de Investigación CAMILLE del Departamento de Lingüística Aplicada de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia organiza en la ETS de Ingeniería del Diseño las jornadas valencianas en torno a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas asistidos por ordenador, patrocinadas por la editorial Macmillan ELT. Se han celebrado hasta la fecha las siguientes ediciones:

Vídeo de presentación

Jornada internacional sobre el Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lenguas Extranjeras (AICLE/CLIL): creación de materiales didácticos con Clilstore

CLIL Open Online Learning (COOL) project multiplier event

(Ref. 2018-1-ES01-KA203-050474)

3 de diciembre de 2021

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño


Comité organizador

Ana Gimeno Sanz

Rafael Seiz Ortiz

Mercedes López Santiago

Cristina Navarro Laboulais
Sofia Di Sarno
Paola Harris


Agencia Nacional Española Erasmus+, EUROCALL y Universitat Politècnica de València


Viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2021

10.00 – 10.15 Entrega de documentación y bienvenida. Ana Gimeno (Salón de Actos ETSID)
10.15 – 11.15 Conferencia: A CLIL journey in the world, Gisella Langé (Salón de Actos ETSID)
11.15 – 12.00 Descanso para café (incluido) Cafetería el Trinquet
12.00 – 13.00 Conferencia: CLIL and Learning Technologies: lessons learnt from the pandemic to reshape the future, Letizia Cinganotto (Salón de Actos ETSID)
13.00 – 13.30 Conferencia: Language, Mind & Brain, David Marsh (Salón de Actos ETSID)
13.30 – 14.00 Conferencia: There’s no such a thing as unsuccessful CLIL, María Jesús Frígols (Salón de Actos ETSID)
14.00 – 15.30 Descanso para comer
15.30 – 17.30 Taller: Cómo crear materiales para CLIL con Clilstore. Kent Andersen, Caoimhín Ó Dónaill & Ana Gimeno (Aula Bruno Munari, 1er piso – ala sur)
17.30 – 18.00 Clausura (Aula Bruno Munari)

Conferenciantes invitados

David Marsh

Language, Mind & Brain [ver vídeo]

The scientific evidence-base on languages, mind and brain has expanded in the last decade. New research is of importance for English language teaching and CLIL.  This presentation describes how this research continues to strengthen the position of CLIL as a signature pedagogy, how CLIL helps to develop global competences, and how future trends are increasingly focusing on creative forms of integrating language and content.

A 2020 study reports that there are six significant advantage clusters for people who can think, to a greater or lesser extent, in more than one language. These benefits may be physiological, neurological, and psychological, and they can be linked to teaching and learning methods.  The report indicates why successful language learning depends on educational practices that combine opportunities to learn language as a subject, and to learn content through the language. It also further strengthens the argument that learning a language solely as an object of study can no longer be justified in mainstream education.

The report can be found in English and Spanish at


David Marsh PhD is Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, London, and Member of the Academic Advisory Council, EduCluster Finland, University of Jyväskylä Group. He has experience of tasks in over 40 countries, contributed to over 170 publications, and received 5 degrees from the United Kingdom, Finland, and Spain.  His key current interests are educational systems-based transformation, bilingual education, realizing OECD global competences, and adjusting educational practices for digitally astute young people.

María Jesús Frígols

There’s no such a thing as unsuccessful CLIL

Different models of the so-called bilingual/plurilingual education programmes have been designed and implemented throughout the world in the past two decades. Even though research studies and evaluation reports on the subject have strengthened the position of CLIL as the most effective methodological approach to be adopted, this has not always been the case so, controversy has arisen lately regarding the success of those programmes. This presentation will focus on the distinctive success traits of CLIL, and the debate about a plausible cause for the failure of some bilingual education programmes.


Maria Jesús Frígols Martín is lecturer of English Language and Literature at the University of Valencia, Spain. She currently works on change management in education, competence-building in bilingual education, and innovation in language learning. She has worked on policy, legislation and practice for the transformational processes currently influencing European education and is closely linked to the evaluation of European educational development work. Since 2000 she has been part of global teams exploring ways in which to upgrade education through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). She collaborated with the international research team responsible for the publication of The Contribution of Multilingualism to Creativity (European Commission) reporting on meta-research analysis leading to evidence of the impact of languages on the brain and mind.

Gisella Langé

A CLIL journey in the world [ver presentación en PDF] [ver vídeo]

CLIL was born in Europe in the early 1990’s and since then it has increased exponentially all over the world both in schools and in higher education.  Although key issues such as teaching methods, materials development, teacher recruitment and training may differ across continents, similarities can be found when examining language education policies, course design and strategies.

This journey will take you to some countries outside Europe (Colombia, India, Mexico, United Arab Emirates) where CLIL programmes are being successfully implemented.

This is partly due to the new dynamics that arise in schools and universities when decision makers find appropriate solutions regarding language competence, language use, classroom instructional strategies, motivation, support and professional development.

The journey will come to an end in Italy where the introduction of CLIL into mainstream education is proving to be a real change agent both for schools and universities and both for formal and informal learning.

Needless to say, the benefits of these experiences show that the CLIL approach promotes cross-curricular skills (enquiry-based learning, information processing, critical thinking, problem-solving, team work, amongst others). Crucially it promotes international networking, partnerships and ventures, which are the real drivers for the development of a “global citizenship”!


Gisella Langé is a Foreign Languages Inspector with the Italian Ministry of Education, advising on internationalisation and foreign languages. A researcher, writer and consultant on issues relating to Foreign Language teaching, curriculum development and intercultural education, she specializes in culture and language learning solutions, and web-based teacher training.

She has extensive experience of working as an expert on European Commission and Council of Europe assignments. Most recently this has involved advising on Eurydice Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe, and the 2025 OECD/PISA Foreign Language Assessment Framework design.

The thematic groups and studies she has been involved with include “Early Language Learning”, “European Language Portfolio”, “Autobiography for Intercultural Encounters” and a number of European and extra-European CLIL/EMILE projects (SUBJECT PROJECTS, TIE-CLIL, CLILCOM, CLIL Consortium, CLIL Cascade Network, LICI, LACE, PROMICE, …).

Letizia Cinganotto

CLIL and Learning Technologies: lessons learnt from the pandemic to reshape the future [ver presentación en PDF] [ver vídeo]

Starting from some references to the theoretical background in the field of learning technologies for languages and CLIL, the presentation will highlight some experiences and good practices carried out by Italian teachers during the pandemic. Suggestions and ideas about learning technologies for language learning and CLIL in flexible educational scenarios will be provided, also taking inspiration from the initiatives carried out by INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, Italy) to support teachers within remote, blended and hybrid educational scenarios. Reference will be made to the “Library of innovation”, an initiative carried out by INDIRE, to provide a repository of videos, learning material, tutorials, digital content, which can inspire teachers in any educational scenario. Examples of methodologies and strategies for innovation in language learning and CLIL that will be highlighted during the presentation are the following: debate in EFL and CLIL, project-based learning and phenomenon-based learning, video-annotation, collaborative commenting and Hyperdocs for EFL. Some online Communities of Practice for CLIL will be mentioned and described. Reference will also be made to the main findings of a survey launched in Italy by INDIRE, in cooperation with the European Commission, aimed at investigating the reactions and attitudes of Italian language teachers and CLIL teachers towards language learning, teaching and assessment. The results relating to the section on language learning and teaching in times of COVID-19 will also be highlighted during the presentation.


Letizia Cinganotto is a full time Researcher at INDIRE (National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research), Italy, and professor of English at Università Telematica degli Studi IUL. She holds a PhD in Synchronic, Diachronic and Applied Linguistics. She has a far-reaching experience in continuous professional development for teachers, teacher trainers, head teachers. She is a member of different working groups and scientific committees on CLIL and on language teaching and learning both at national and international level (European Commission, OECD, Council of Europe, ECML). She has presented papers at national and international conferences and published articles and chapters in peer-reviewed journals and four volumes on CLIL. She is a reviewer and a member of the Editorial Board of different peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of the ECML “Pluriliteracies” consultancy team.

VI Jornadas Valencianas en torno al aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador: Gamificación y la competencia comunicativa

VI Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Gamification and Communicative Competence

8 y 9 de noviembre de 2019

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño

Esta edición de las Jornadas ALAO se celebraron conjuntamente con el congreso internacional

Intercultural Learning in the Digital Age: Building up Telecollaborative Networks,
organizado por miembros del proyecto iTECLA (Innovative Telecollaborative Environments for Language Acquisition, Ref. GV / 2017/151) de la Universitat de València


Precio inscripción jornadas: 40 euros

Política de devolución: hasta el 01/11/2019 (75%)

Comité organizador


Ana Gimeno Sanz


Mercedes López Santiago


Rafael Seiz Ortiz

Cristina Navarro Laboulais

David Perry

Ana Sevilla Pavón

Antonio Martínez Sáez

Fernando Rosell Aguilar

Sofia Di Sarno

Paola Harris


Viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

15.30 – 16.15 Conferencia plenaria: Kurt Kohn, Tübingen University
16.15 – 17.00 Conferencia plenaria: David Bish, Education First Ltd.
17.00 – 17.30 Descanso
17.30 – 18.30 Taller 1: David Bish
21.00 Cena de confraternidad

Sábado, 9 de noviembre de 2019

09.30 – 10.15 Conferencia plenaria: Shannon Sauro, University of Maryland
10.15 – 11.00 Conferencia plenaria: Kristi Jauregi, Utrecht University
11.00 – 11.30 Descanso
11.30 – 12.15 Conferencia plenaria: Frederik Cornillie, KU Leuven
12.15 –13.00 Conferencia plenaria: Anke Berns, Universidad de Cádiz
13.00 – 14.00 Taller 2: Kristi Jauregi, Kurt Kohn and Petra Hoffstaedter, LINK – Linguistik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation
14.00 – 15.30 Descanso para comer
15.30 – 16.30 Taller 3: Shannon Sauro
16.30 –17.30 Taller 4: Frederik Cornillie
17.30 – 18.30 Taller 5: Anke Berns
18.30 – 19.00 Ceremonia de clausura

Además, todos aquellos interesados, podrán asistir al taller La dramatización como elemento gamificador en la enseñanza de lenguas, que será impartido por David Perry (profesor del Aula de Teatro en Inglés de la UPV), con una duración de 12 horas.

Conferenciantes invitados

Kurt Kohn, Tübingen University, Germany


Online intercultural communication practice and learning. An ordinary gamification perspective

Ordinary gamification is about creating a protected space of controlled real-life immersion for safe, yet challenging practice and learning. It provides a kind of Vygotskian Zone of Proximal Development enabling learners to cooperate to move beyond and further develop and consolidate their currently available behavioral, cognitive and emotional competences and skills. The concept is inspired by how young children play and interact with the world around them, for instance, when imitating a phone call, playing house, or imagining driving a car. Ordinary gamification concerns creatively reducing, simplifying or transforming complex real-life activities for the purpose of autonomous world appropriation and emergent learning. Being grounded in real-life through mimicry and controlled immersion, ordinary gamification significantly contributes to the authentication of learning. Against this conceptual backdrop, I will describe and discuss the ordinary gamification potential of the TeCoLa Virtual World developed and pedagogically evaluated in the Erasmus+ project TeCoLa ( over the past three years. Key gamification features include in particular 3D virtual world environments such as the English town of Chatterdale, editable learning station boards for displaying multimedia content, and customizable avatars by which students can enter the virtual world, move around, communicate with each other in the spoken or written mode, and meet up to collaborate at one of the learning stations. The ordinary gamification focus is on creating opportunities for intercultural communicative exchanges between school students of different linguacultural backgrounds from across Europe. The students are from secondary, vocational and primary schools, and they meet in pairs or small groups at learning stations to discuss the issues presented on the boards. Various conditions are used to minimize the all-too-present school character of the communicative interactions by strengthening their immersive real-life quality. Most importantly, this includes using the students’ common target language as a pedagogical lingua franca, accessing the TeCoLa Virtual World from home, a preference for low-preparation topics (e.g. “Breakfast”, “Fashion”, or “Waste disposal”), an emphasis on communicative interaction over task completion, and the integration of measures of self-reflection and pedagogical mediation. Case study observations and feedback from students and teachers will be presented to demonstrate the pedagogical value of an ordinary gamification approach for boosting intercultural foreign language communication practice and learning. Special attention will be given to issues of immersive authentication and speaker-learner emancipation.


Petra Hoffstaedter, Kristi Jauregi & Kurt Kohn

TeCoLa telecollaboration for intercultural communicative competence development

This workshop is based on outcomes of the Erasmus+ project TeCoLa ( Workshop participants will collaborate in three steps to explore how telecollaboration tools and activities can be used to engage foreign language learners in intercultural encounters with authentic communicative practice.

Step A: The participants will review their teaching objectives and practices regarding intercultural communicative competence development. They will discuss their objectives and practices in relation to the communicative and intercultural possibilities and limitations of the face-to-face classroom.

Step B: The participants will review a few selected intercultural telecollaboration tools (including virtual worlds, video conferencing, and Google Drive) presented via a data projector. They will discuss the tools’ pedagogical potential in light of the insights gained from step A.

Step C: Stimulated by prototypical task descriptions, the participants will collect and discuss ideas for intercultural telecollaboration tasks they deem suitable for overcoming classroom limitations identified in step A.

The participants will collaborate in small groups as required. Brainstorming, awareness-raising and reflective discussions will be supported by collaboration tools including Kahoot and/or Padlet.


Kurt Kohn is Emeritus Professor of Applied English Linguistics at the University of Tuebingen (Germany). His professional interests include online intercultural communication and foreign language learning, English as a pedagogical lingua franca, and foreign language teacher education. Recent articles include “Learner agency and non-native speaker identity in pedagogical lingua franca conversations” (with P. Hoffstaedter, CALL 2017, 30/5), “MY English – a social constructivist perspective on ELF” (JELF 2018, 7/1), and “Towards the reconciliation of ELF and EFL” (In N. Sifakis & N. Tsantila, ELF in EFL Contexts. Multilingual Matters, 2018).

Petra Hoffstaedter holds a PhD in General and English Linguistics and is the founding director of LINK – Linguistik und Interkulturelle Kommunikation GbR (Germany) with a long history of European projects in multimedia content development, blended language learning, telecollaboration for intercultural foreign language learning, and language teacher education. She participates in the Erasmus+ project TeCoLa with a special focus on task development for intercultural telecollaboration, TeCoLa exchanges and teacher coaching, and pilot course evaluation. Recent article: “Learner agency and non-native speaker identity in pedagogical lingua franca conversations” (with K. Kohn, CALL 2017, 30/5).

David Bish, Education First Ltd., Switzerland


The demonstration of Communicative Competence through CALL

A glance into the architecture of an AI powered LMS reveals the ‘Learner Model’, an abstraction of the student’s language skills and achievements, essential for providing automated task selection and creation. Whether they are truly using AI or not, increasingly sophisticated knowledge modelling tools are becoming available to language schools offering the capability to tailor and personalize learning with growing precision.

While this ‘gradebook’ at the heart of learning systems may at first appear to be nothing new, the ability to subtly gather information about student performance and uptake of the syllabus is evolving rapidly. In effect this presents data for both formative and summative assessment.

Here we have the possibility to re-imagine the role of a classroom teacher, placing them back into the system at a pivotal point supported with a wealth of information about each student. This provides opportunities to remediate with individuals, to co-assign students according to their strengths and to adapt lessons and tasks in progress based on the capabilities of the class. In effect this allows the teacher to stay within the ZPD of the students in their class, scaffolding language development with appropriate tasks either with or without technology, leaving the confines of the LMS behind.

Technological capture of performance of tasks not completed using technology may still be rudimentary, but analysis of text and writing are approaching real time. These can be coupled with a formative ‘recommendation engine’ to either boost a teacher’s options in planning or in a student’s self-study session, but also to capture a clear picture of what a student is capable of while on-task.

If we have proven evidence of what a student ‘can do’ in the form of an academic portfolio of achievements, does this provide us with a new opportunity for non-intrusive summative assessment? What, if anything, are researchers and examination boards doing with this potential opportunity and how is such continual assessment likely to be perceived compared to high stakes external examinations?


Is CALL ‘Anytime, Anywhere’ really possible?

Bring a mobile with a Skype or Facebook account, comfortable shoes and your willingness to communicate for a hands-on practical demonstration of the EF Immersion Challenge showing how Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) technology can scaffold authentic language interaction beyond the classroom with groups of international students (you!)

Along the way, we will consider and discuss how concerns over privacy, disruption in the classroom and the financial constraints of BYOD constrain opportunities for learning ‘Anytime, Anywhere’. Do we believe there is still potential in this classic conception of MALL and which of our contexts really allow for it?

Microblending: Towards a new pedagogy for CALL

In my time observing classes in a technology rich teaching environment and gathering data for my doctoral exploration of teacher adoption of technology in ESOL classrooms, I uncovered evidence of an emerging teacher pedagogy more subtle than blended or hybrid learning. I have coined the teacher’s informed selection of ICT tools microblending.

My conception of this praxis as microblending, a postmethod pedagogy, is grounded both in the teacher’s social constructivist approach to learning and task based instruction. It appears to be possible to assess readiness to in teachers to microblend and to match this with institutional preparedness for microblending to happen.

In this short talk I will present briefly the evidence for microblending and show how it can be used to describe the variation in teacher’s use of ICT tools across an institution. This can be done with such precision that it is possible to predict the uptake of ICT in individual classes. Rather than simply attempt to prescribe successful ICT implementation I would like to seek corroboration of microblending practice from the audience and see if there is any consensus over beliefs on how CALL can be used at a classroom level through the prism of microblending.


David Bish (PhD) is a practitioner excited by the possibilities of CALL and rapid deployment of emerging technology in the context of intensive language study abroad.

David has been an educator for over 30 years both in real and virtual classrooms, in mainstream schools, universities and language schools. His career has taken him through academic management, teacher training and materials design. He has been part of teams three times shortlisted for the British Council ELTons awards for innovation but perhaps his proudest achievement is the introduction of iPads into EF Education First’s language classrooms worldwide bringing a more immediate way of engaging with technology to thousands of students and teachers.

David is currently Director of Academic Management for junior courses abroad at EF Education First where he is putting his PhD research into practice by introducing BYOD MALL tools into the classroom which enrich teaching and provide opportunities for authentic communication.

Shannon Sauro, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA

Bridging the Digital Wilds and the Language Classroom through Fanfiction

Fanfiction, defined as stories that transform, reinterpret and reimagine characters and universes other people have already written about, represents a rich area for the teaching of languages in classroom contexts. By its very nature, fanfiction grows out of deep engagement by fans of a book, movie, television show or other piece of media driven by their very strong positive connection to the thing that they are a fan of. In addition, online fanfiction is part of a larger conversation among fans who read, comment on and sometimes even transform the fanfiction of other fans. A challenge facing teachers and researchers interested in bringing fanfiction from the digital wilds into the language classroom is capturing these aspects of enthusiasm and innovation in a formal educational space.

This talk begins with a quick overview of fandom and different fan practices that have been used by fans to develop their language skills in the digital wilds, that is, language learning that takes place in online spaces and communities that are not affiliated with formal instructional contexts. These include fan practices that celebrate media, analyze media, and or transform or critique media. While many of these fan practices have been the subject of applied linguistics and literacy research, fanfiction that has received the greatest focus. This talk then explores the six-year implementation and redesign of a fanfiction project that was incorporated into a Swedish university English teacher education course and designed to bridge the divide between literature and linguistics courses often found in language programs. Each iteration of the project, which included revisiting the selection of the source text (e.g. moving from The Hobbit to the Sherlock Holmes mysteries), drew upon feedback from students who were both fans and nonfans and incorporated an ever-expanding role for the use of online fanfiction archives and authentic fanfiction texts.


Fanfiction for Language and Literature Teaching

Language learning at school is often remote from the informal practices in the target language that students exhibit outside the classroom in online and digital contexts. For instance, in many L2 classrooms, there is limited connection made between to the language of popular media or digital games young people enjoy and the language of the classroom. This stands in contrast to work on informal language learning, such as online fan fiction writing or other fan practices and digital gaming which has explored how extramural creative or digital activities can benefit the development of linguistic, digital, literary, and intercultural skills. There is a need, therefore, for the development of teaching materials and teacher training that draws upon creative and literary online youth practices that foster plurilingual communicative competence.

Accordingly, the ongoing Erasmus+ project “FanTALES” (Fanfiction for the Teaching and Application of Languages through E-Stories) sets out to bridge existing multilingual practices, online fanfiction practices, and work on interactive fiction (IF) in a project for the development of teaching activities and teacher training materials for secondary school language learning.

This workshop will walk participants through the learning through doing module on using fanfiction for language teaching, developed by the FanTALES team. This workshop will include an overview of fanfiction and common genres and tropes, tools and techniques for searching fan fiction archives, and practice with in-class short-form fan fiction writing.

This workshop is designed for in-service and pre-service language teachers, particularly those working at the secondary and upper secondary level, as well as teacher trainers but introduces materials and techniques that can be used for different student populations. No previous experience with fanfiction is necessary.


Shannon Sauro is a researcher and teacher trainer in the Department of Education at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, USA. Her areas of research include the intersection of online fan practices and language learning and teaching, and the role of virtual exchange/telecollaboration in language teacher education. She has trained teachers of English in both Sweden (at Malmö University) and the United States (at the University of Texas at San Antonio). Shannon is editor of the books  CALL for Mobility (with Joanna Pitura),  The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning (with Carol A. Chapelle), and of the special issue on “CALL in the Digital Wilds” of  Language Learning & Technology (with Katarina Zourou).  She is active on two European-funded projects:  Fanfiction for the Teaching and Application of Languages through E-Stories (FanTALES) and  Evidence-Based Online Learning through Virtual Exchange (EVOLVE). Shannon is a past president of the Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium (CALICO) and is currently communications officer for UNICollaboration, an international organization for virtual exchange.

Kristi Jauregi, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Gamified intercultural communication exchanges in language learning processes: the fun factor

Gamification is the use of game practices in learning (or work) environments in order to enhance motivation, concentration and effort, aspects common to all games. In this presentation, we will see how gamification can be incorporated into language courses while providing opportunities for learners to play games in an international setting. We will show examples of gamified tasks used in different educational settings developed in different European projects. We will conclude by discussing advantages and challenges of integrating gamified online intercultural communication exchanges into the language curriculum.


Kristi Jauregi Ondarra is Associate Professor at Utrecht University (The Netherlands). Her main area of research is on Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). She is particularly interested in studying the role that telecollaboration may play in enhancing the communicative competence, intercultural awareness and motivation of L2 students, and in reshaping the pedagogical beliefs, activities and roles of language teachers. She has initiated and coordinated different European projects (TeCoLa, NIFLAR & TILA) and has participated in the Euroversity network project.

Frederik Cornillie, KU Leuven, Belgium


Gaming and language learning: from the digital wilds to the classroom

The use, affordances, design and effectiveness of games and gaming for language learning have been discussed since the early days of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL). In the last decade, gaming has received increased attention in the area of CALL, partly as a result of the diversification of game types and audiences in the commercial game industry but, arguably, mainly due to research that demonstrates the benefits of informal language learning ‘in the digital wilds’, in particular for the development of communicative competence.

The first part of this talk motivates the use of games and gaming from the perspective of task-based language learning. We then look at different models of how gaming can be put to use in instructed language learning contexts (classrooms), and discuss the role of teachers and instructional designers to engineer conditions that can speed up natural language learning in these contexts. In the last part, we zero in on the affordances and effectiveness of gameful corrective feedback.



Interactive fiction in the language classroom

Interactive fiction (IF) can be best defined as a type of story with which the reader can interact and that is typically non-linear. Originating in choose-your-own-adventure gamebooks and the first text adventure games in the 1970s, IF has in recent years has regained popularity as a result of successful titles from independent game developers such as Inkle Studios’ 80 Days (game of the year 2014 according to Time Magazine) and, particularly, the release of open and relatively easy to use platforms for content creation such as Twine, with which fans of the medium can make and share their own IF texts online. The medium’s emphasis on (literary) text and the relatively low barrier for integrating IF in classrooms (in comparison with other type of games) create great potential for language teaching, in particular for the teaching of literature and media literacy, through technology-enhanced reading and creative writing. This potential remains largely untapped today.

This workshop introduces participants to IF in a hands-on approach, building on the ongoing Erasmus+ project FanTALES which sets out to bridge the learning of language and literature in classrooms with what happens in online communities for creative digital writing and reading. To this end, the project develops materials for teacher training as well as activities for language teaching in secondary education. In the workshop, participants experience what IF is about, learn about its design, and work with a search tool that allows them to locate IF of interest for the language classroom.


Frederik Cornillie is research manager and postdoctoral researcher in applied linguistics at the interdisciplinary research group ITEC at KU Leuven as well as the strategic research institute IMEC in Belgium. His main research interests include the use of digital gaming for instructed language learning, and the intersection of tutorial CALL and task-based language learning more generally. He has been active in the field of CALL R&D since 2005, has co-organized international research conferences on CALL, was associate editor of the journal ReCALL from 2015 to 2019, and currently coordinates the ongoing Erasmus+ project FanTALES. In 2014, he received the Robert A. Fischer Outstanding Graduate Student award from CALICO for his PhD research on digital gaming and for his service to the profession.

Anke Berns, Universidad de Cádiz, Spain

Games and gamified apps to support foreign language learning

The purpose of this talk is to share my personal experience with the design and implementation of several games and gamified apps in the area of foreign language learning. To this end, I will present and discuss different examples of games and gamified apps I have recently designed and implemented in collaboration with the AIDA group from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and the SPI & FM group from the University of Cádiz (UCA). The focus of my talk will be mainly on the educational and motivational potential of games and gamified apps to strengthen different aspects related to foreign language learning: from vocabulary and grammar to skills such as reading, writing and communication.


A gamified app for language learning

The workshop will focus on my personal experience with the design and implementation of gamified apps for learning English and German. To this end, I will present one of the apps I have recently designed in collaboration with different members of my research group (SPI & FM) from the University of Cádiz (UCA) and provide workshop members with the opportunity to test the app on their own devices.


Anke Berns currently holds a position as a Senior Lecturer of German at the English and French Department of the University of Cádiz (Spain), where she received her PhD in 2002. She has been working for more than 24 years as a teacher, teacher trainer and CALL/MALL designer in different areas of foreign language teaching (German, English and Spanish). Her research interests focus specifically on design-based research, learner motivation and learner needs, a field in which she has published not only several books and made contributions to peer-reviewed journals as well as international research conferences, but also received several awards from her University.

Patrocinan Generalitat Valenciana, EUROCALL y Universitat Politècnica de València

V Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Telecollaboration and Social Networks 13-14 noviembre 2015

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Precio inscripción: 40 euros (35 euros PDI, PAS y estudiantes UPV)
Política de devolución: hasta el 01/11/2015 (75%)


Viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

9.00 – 9.30 Recogida de documentación. Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño (edificio 7B), UPV
9.30 – 10.00 Apertura de las Jornadas. Salón de Actos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
10.00 – 10.30 Exposición novedades editoriales y café
Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
10.30 – 13.30 Presentaciones teóricas. Salón de Actos de la ETSID:

  • Joan Tomàs Pujolà. Universitat de Barcelona – Christine Appel. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
  • Melinda Dooly. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
  • Caoimhín Ó Dónaill. Universidad de Ulster, Irlanda del Norte
13.30 – 14-00 Presentación a cargo de editorial. Salón de Actos ETSID.
14.00 – 16.00 Descanso para comer
16.00 – 17.00 Taller práctico impartido por Joan Tomàs Pujolà y Christine Appel
17.10 – 18.10 Taller práctico impartido por Melinda Dooly
18.20 – 19.20 Taller práctico impartido por Caoimhín Ó Dónaill

Sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2015

10.00 – 12.00 Presentaciones teóricas. Salón de Actos ETSID:

  • Giorgos Ypsilandis. Universidad Aristotélica. Salónica, Grecia
  • Camino Bueno Alastuey, Universidad Pública de Navarra
12.00 – 12.30 Exposición novedades editoriales y café
Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
12.30 – 13.30 Presentación teórica. Salón de Actos ETSID:

  • Pascual Pérez Paredes. Universidad de Murcia
13.30 – 14.00 Presentación a cargo de editorial. Salón de Actos ETSID.
14.00 – 16.00 Descanso para comer
16.00 – 17.00 Taller práctico impartido por Giorgos Ypsilandis
17.10 – 18.10 Taller práctico impartido por Camino Bueno Alastuey
18.20 – 19.20 Taller práctico impartido por Pascual Pérez Paredes
19.30 Conclusiones. Puesta en común y clausura de las Jornadas. Salón de Actos ETSID.

Conferenciantes invitados

Camino Bueno Alastuey, Universidad Pública de Navarra

Telecollaboration and the development of competences

The rapid advancement of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) has allowed for new ways of teaching and learning. As those technologies have become an essential part of our daily life, they have brought about new possibilities for education and the need to integrate them purposefully into the curriculum. One of the possibilities for integration is telecollaboration. Based on sociocultural approaches to learning which claim that people learn through social interaction, many studies have analyzed the effect of telecollaboration endeavours. This presentation will analyze some of those studies to present the various possibilities of telecollaboration to develop different kinds of competences. First, I will show the results of some telecollaboration projects based on the development of language and cultural competences. Secondly, I will focus on the possibilities of telecollaboration for teacher training and for the development of techno-pedagogical competences. Finally, I will describe our current research project (REDTELCOM), whose aim is to analyze the development of less-assessed key competences (digital competence, learning to learn, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, social competence, and cultural awareness and expression) through telecollaboration, and to create instruments to evaluate their development.

Workshop: In this workshop, we will explore aspects which have been shown to contribute to the successful implementation and development of telecollaboration projects. Considering the results of studies that have signal the advantages and disadvantages of such projects, this workshop will show what needs to be considered, the steps to be followed and how to mitigate some of the most common obstacles telecollaboration projects present for the teachers and students involved.

Caoimhín Ó Dónaill. Universidad de Ulster, Irlanda del Norte

What is my role? Exploring the impact of Social Media/Telecollaboration on teacher-learner-learner relationships

In spite of the widespread participation in social media networks by a broad cross section of society, and the dominance of electronic methods of communication, language educators still face the traditional duty of guiding their students through a defined programme of study and measuring success against set criteria. Introducing computer-mediated communication (CMC) to the language classroom, real or virtual, breaks down barriers and opens up a wealth of possibilities, however, this can conversely bring new challenges e.g. participation in social media networks often serves to increase the quantity of communication without regard to quality, and for younger age groups issues relating to pastoral care become more acute. This talk will examine examples of current best practice in using CMC in language education and consider the changing role of the language teacher in web enriched study programmes.

Workshop: Planning and assessing computer-mediated communication activities

During this session participants will engage in a series of activities designed to evaluate a range of CMC tools and use templates to plan and review practical activities relating to their own teaching and using the resources available to them.

Melinda Dooly. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Telecollaborative Language Learning: What, why and how?

This talk is divided into two parts. The first part of the talk will look at ways in which Telecollaborative Language Learning (TcLL) has been defined, designed and implemented within educational contexts in the past twenty years. Taking a brief look at research results, the pros and cons of TcLL, as well as underlying assumptions of this approach will be interrogated. The second part (the workshop) will deal with more practical aspects of how to design, implement and assess effective TcLL exchanges, with a particular emphasis placed on TcLL projects.

Giorgos Ypsilandis. Universidad Aristotélica. Tesalónica, Grecia

The notion of feedback in computer-assisted language learning

Feedback in language learning has been an issue for research since the Skinnerian behaviorist days. While different types of corrective feedback have been tested over the years, supportive feedback (provided automatically by software) is an issue that has only recently begun to attract a small number of scientists and findings resulting from experimental research are not solid yet. This keynote discusses the different notions of feedback and concentrates on feedback provided by language learning software. The methodology for data collection is presented. Effectiveness to short and long term memory is explored while findings from past experimental research is summarized. Future research on the topic is presented in relation to learner’s cognitive and learning style.

WorkshopDecoding and improving feedback provision strategies in CALL software

This workshop follows the relevant keynote and further presents an opportunity for participants to use acquired knowledge in practice and: a) decode existing feedback strategies in ready-made CALL software, b) improve existed feedback strategies and further, c) design feedback provision strategies for new software. Participants will prepare and present their ideas to the group and contribute to the creation of a list of different feedback strategies they will take with them at the end of the workshop.

Pascual Pérez Paredes, Universidad de Murcia

Normalising corpus use in the language classroom

Much has been said about the use of language corpora in the language classroom during the past 25 years. This includes both regular contributions to well-established conferences in the area such as TALC or Corpus Linguistics, as well as a wealth of edited volumes. This plethora of studies, mostly non-empirical, seems to suggest, in very general terms, that data driven learning (DDL) is beneficial for language learning. However, the use of corpora in the language classroom is far from being mainstream, and even farther from normalisation. This keynote will explore the factors that impede a wider spread and use of language corpora in FLT. In particular, this paper will discuss the teaching logistics, the learners’ conception and skills, the syllabus and software integration, as well as the training of the educators and learners that are involved in the use of corpora in the language classroom. A follow-up session will offer the opportunity to examine these factors across different applications and will offer the analytical tools to draw a picture of the role(s) of corpora in CALL.

Joan Tomàs Pujolà. Universidad de Barcelona
Christine Appel. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

From gaming to gamification in language learning

Games have always been present in language teaching, from traditional methods to communicative approaches. The playful features of games help us develop students’ interaction, cooperation, and proactive involvement in doing language tasks. They are the catalyst to improve students’ motivation and  to engage them with the content that is being provided. In recent years a new approach to enhance students’ motivation called gamification has started to make its way as an effective pedagogical approach. Now we are experimenting with game elements, game mechanics and game thinking to make the language teaching and learning experience game-like. In the workshop we will explore ways of how to gamify activities in the language class.

Patrocinan Generalitat Valenciana, EUROCALL y Macmillan ELT

con la colaboración de

Burlington Books
Campus PDI
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
Institut Français Valencia

IV Jornadas Valencianas en torno al aprendizaje de lenguas asistido por ordenador: El uso de la tecnología para impulsar el aprendizaje permanente de lenguas

4th Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Using Technology to Prepare Lifelong Language Learners

Fechas de celebración: viernes 15 y sábado 16 de noviembre de 2013

Lugar de celebración: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Edificio 7B)


Viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2013

9.00 – 9.30 Recogida de documentación. Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño (edificio 7B), UPV
9.30 – 10.00 Apertura de las Jornadas. Salón de Actos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño

Francisco Mora Mas (Rector de la UPV)

Enrique Ballester Sarrias (Director de la ETSID)

Ana Mª Gimeno Sanz (Directora del Grupo de Investigación CAMILLE)

10.00 – 10.30 Novedades presentadas por las editoriales y café
Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
10.30 – 13.30 Presentaciones teóricas. Salón de Actos de la ETSID:

Mike Levy. Design issues and options for lifelong learning with technology

Phil Hubbard. Three paths to using technology for lifelong language learning

Christine Appel. SpeakApps: resources and applications for developing oral skills online

13.30 – 14-00 Novedades presentadas por las editoriales
14.00 – 16.00 Descanso para comer
16.00 – 17.00 Taller práctico impartido por Phil Hubbard
17.10 – 18.10 Taller práctico impartido por Mike Levy
18.20 – 19.20 Taller práctico impartido por Christine Appel


Sábado, 16 de noviembre de 2013

10.00 – 12.00 Presentaciones teóricas. Salón de Actos ETSID:

Joe Hopkins. Developing online teaching skills for the 21st century classroom

Mar Gutiérrez-Colon. Using mobile phones to enhance the learner’s lifelong learning experience

Ana Gimeno Sanz. Supporting lifelong language learning through Clilstore

12.00 – 12.30 Novedades presentadas por las editoriales y café
Vestíbulo de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
12.30 – 13.00 Pascual Pérez Paredes. Presentación del EUROCALL Special Interest Group on CorpusCALL: Corpora & CALL
13.00 – 14.00 Presentaciones editoriales:

Liam Fitzpatrick, Express Publishing. Teaching digital natives

Eduardo Valencia, Macmillan ELT. Adding value to ELT through educational games

14.00 – 16.00 Descanso para comer
16.00 – 17.00 Taller práctico impartido por Joe Hopkins
17.10 – 18.10 Taller práctico impartido por Mar Gutiérrez-Colon
18.20 – 19.20 Taller práctico impartido por Ana Gimeno
19.30 Conclusiones. Puesta en común y clausura de las Jornadas Salón de Actos ETSID.

Conferenciantes invitados

Mike Levy (University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia)

Design issues and options for lifelong learning with technology

Lifelong learning with technology requires a deep understanding of the resources required for sustained and motivated language learning and the strategies and techniques required to make use of them effectively. This presentation, therefore, is divided into two main parts with a third concluding section that brings them together in the light of rapid technology evolution and change. It should be said at the outset that the perspective presented here is one of many, it is not definitive because designs are inevitably circumscribed by the constraints and affordances of specific contexts and the particular needs of users. The first section looks at the kinds of language learning resources that might be made available, both online and offline. Questions of organisation, systematisation and access are considered including the role of such traditional resources as the Self-Access Centre. The second section considers how the materials might be accessed and used. Here relevant theory is explored with student motivation and proficiency level linked to task design as some of the key concerns. Also the learner disposition required to confidently progress in the longer term will be considered, following Rost (2011, p. 181): “What is essential for development is a process of engaging with input and interlocutors attempting to understand new -and relevant- texts and striving to connect more deeply and for more sustained periods with target language speakers.” [Rost, M. (2011). Teaching and researching listening. Longman, UK: Pearson]


Phil Hubbard (Stanford University, California, USA)

Three paths to using technology for lifelong language learning

Lifelong learning is a wonderful ideal, but how can we help our students realize it in the domain of foreign language learning? In this talk, I begin with the assumptions that 1) lifelong learning requires developing greater autonomy, and 2) technology will play an ever-increasing role in language learning and use. Drawing on a combination of theory, research, and classroom experiences, I discuss three convergent paths to developing autonomy in support of lifelong language learning: a) The integration of learner training to use technology efficiently and effectively; b) The incorporation of reflection across the learning dimensions of content, task, process, and technology use; c) The promotion of the teacher as a behavioral model in the process of learning with technology. These points are not entirely new to language learning, but their particular implementation here is influenced by an overarching realization: thriving as a teacher or learner in the digital age means embedding oneself in a culture of continuous change -changing content, devices, applications, networks, and patterns of use. This is captured in Goal 1, Standard 3 of the TESOL Technology Standards for Teachers: “Language teachers actively strive to expand their skill and knowledge base to evaluate, adopt, and adapt emerging technologies throughout their careers.” To bring these general observations into the realm of classroom reality, throughout the talk I include examples from an ESL course in advanced listening and vocabulary development.

Workshop description:

Techniques and strategies for listening in the digital age

In this workshop, participants will be introduced to and practice a collection of techniques and strategies for using digital media, especially authentic online video, to support the development of English listening proficiency. These techniques and strategies can be used in class settings by teachers to support classroom activities. Furthermore, in support of lifelong learning, they can be introduced to students to help them with both online tasks outside the classroom and with developing their proficiency once the class has ended.


Christine Appel (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain)

SpeakApps: resources and applications for developing oral skills online

Speaking remains one of the main challenges for language students. Very often formal foreign language learning settings do not provide enough time for everyone in the classroom to practice the language. SpeakApps seeks to support the development of oral skills by developing free ICT-based tools and resources, enabling learners and teachers to practice and evaluate speaking skills at a distance or beyond the physical classroom. In this presentation we will show the project tools and resources, we will discuss examples of tasks for each tool and demonstrate how to access the platform. The project online platform is divided into three sections: 1) the learning activities and materials, 2) the learning tools: video/audioblog, videoconferencing, and a content management tool for synchronous tasks, and 3) Moodle classrooms for teachers who want their students to use these activities, materials and tools but do not have or wish to set up the required technological infrastructure and support. The activities and tools provided in SpeakApps are designed to be used both in a face-to-face classroom setting and as the main speaking activities for online courses. SpeakApps is a European project funded with support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission (

Workshop description:

Learning to use SpeakApps

This workshop will provide participants with hands-on experience in using the three SpeakApps tools for oral production and speaking interaction online: Langblog, Videochat and Tandem.  Examples of tasks in the SpeakApps OER will be analysed and design issues will be discussed.  There will be an opportunity to create new tasks tailored to the participant’s own learning setup using the OER site and its Tandem content editor.  The Tandem tool is designed for synchronous pair tasks which guide the conversation with the purpose of creating an authentic communicative goal. The tasks can be carried out by students in different geographical locations communicating online (e.g. via a VoiP tool such as Skype or a videoconference tool such as Videochat), or in a face-to-face situation using tablets. We recommend participants register to the SpeakApps Moodle platform ( before they attend the workshop.


Joe Hopkins (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain)

Developing online teaching skills for the 21st century classroom

Developing Online Teaching Skills (DOTS is a project supported by the European Centre for Modern Languages ( Its initial aim was to create an online toolkit and an online training space for language professionals who want to engage with online teaching. The DOTS toolkit consists of activities based on an analysis of the needs of language teachers faced with an increasing requirement to move teaching and learning online, keep abreast with latest technological developments, and apply those that are most suitable in their teaching. In the second phase, DOTS and its follow-up project More DOTS are providing training and consultancy activities. This workshop is aimed at language teachers and teacher trainers, and is designed to raise their awareness of the need for an approach to online language teaching that integrates pedagogy with technology. It will give participants an overview of the resources that DOTS offers and engage them in a discussion of the skills and training needs of their own contexts. Participants will have the opportunity to explore the online training space, try out some of the tools, and share their experiences with online teaching.

Workshop description:

Learning to use the DOTS resources

This workshop will provide participants with an overview of the resources available in the DOTS training space, namely, self-training tutorials designed for language teachers who wish to incorporate online activities into their teaching. These tutorials focus on the use of various ICT tools, such as wikis, blogs, SurveyMonkey, and Skype, for tasks designed to enhance their students’ learning. Participants will have the opportunity to try out some of these tools and share their experiences with online teaching.


Mar Gutiérrez-Colon Plana (Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain)

Using mobile phones to enhance the learner’s lifelong learning experience

With the need to succeed in a rapidly changing world, the educational approach of lifelong language learning has gained great importance since it meets both the needs of people to acquire more knowledge and the fact that this is done at any moment throughout our lives. With the advent of MALL (Mobile-Assisted Language Learning) a new methodological space is opening, since learning can take place on the move and the way in which people learn acquires a special dimension, since it becomes more personal and also more informal and thus the “learning moments” become part of our daily lives. The use of mobile phones has become part of our everyday activities, and these devices have also started to change the way in which we learn and process new information. The boundaries of learning a language have widened as well. Nowadays mobile phone devices are used in language learning, ranging from improving our vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing and listening skills and they are even helping us to improve our oral skills. During this session we will introduce MALL from a theoretical perspective, followed by an overview of the main successful projects that have been developed with the use of mobile phones as a main or support tool. The hands-on session will be devoted to exploring ways of integrating mobile phones into the language curriculum.


Ana Gimeno Sanz (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain)

Supporting lifelong language learning through Clilstore

This presentation will introduce language teachers to a new free online authoring tool which allows for the creation and sharing of media-rich webpages incorporating audio, video, images and text. It will also demonstrate how the resulting materials can be shared with learners via VLEs, wikis, blogs, email or social media platforms. The unique feature of this free online tool is the way it treats embedded texts; at the touch of a button all words are automatically linked to a bespoke dictionary interface Multidict, which places online dictionaries in over 100 languages at the user’s disposal, thereby enabling them to interrogate texts at their own pace and according to their own learning requirements. The fully online tool has also been optimised for mobile devices (e.g. iPads, smartphones, etc.) thereby ensuring that content can be created and enjoyed on the move.

Workshop description:

Learning to use Clilstore

During this workshop participants will learn to use three extremely useful tools that are completely free: a) the Multidict multi-dictionary interface; b) the Wordlink interface that automatically links all the words on a website to a wealth of readily available monolingual and bilingual online dictionaries; and c) Clilstore, a very simple yet very powerful authoring tool to create didactic units integrating multimedia audiovisual aids, providing the video and/or audio scripts, and linking to additional exercises. The workshop will include a walkthrough of a sample unit made with Clilstore from the learner’s perspective; a step-by-step introduction on how to create a unit in Clilstore, including how to retrieve and embed video, audio and graphics. Finally, each participant will create a unit to suit their own needs.


Liam Fitzpatrick (Express Publishing)

Teaching digital natives

Today’s students have a world of information available to them via their mobile phones. No longer do they need to spend hours looking through the library and then have to remember the facts they discover. Why remember if you can bookmark? The fact is that unless we at least acknowledge the existence of technology, we run the risk of our lessons seeming out of touch and irrelevant. In this session we will look at the reasons why we should embrace technology and some of the tools available to us. It will also be demonstrated that at the heart of this there are also some surprisingly ‘old-fashioned’ educational values. After a brief introduction to some key educational issues related to the role of technology in the English Language Teaching classroom in the 21st century, the speaker will deal with 7 main points with examples (Primary and Secondary) that can be applied in ELT Methodology.

Eduardo Valencia (Macmillan ELT)

Adding value to ELT through educational games

Computer games are today an important part of most children’s leisure lives and, increasingly, an important part of our culture as a whole. We often, as adults, watch in amazement as children devote hours to acting as football coaches, designers of empires, controllers of robots, wizards and emperors. Today, however, researchers, teachers and designers of learning resources are beginning to ask how this powerful new medium might be used to support learning. In this presentation we shall look into various examples of using educational games to support ELT.

Patrocinan Generalitat Valenciana, EUROCALL y Macmillan ELT

con la colaboración de

Burlington Books
Campus PDI
Cambridge University Press
Oxford University Press
Institut Français Valencia

III Jornadas Valencianas en torno al Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Ordenador: “Explorando los Mundos Virtuales”

3rd Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: “Exploring Virtual Worlds”

Fechas de celebración: 16 y 17 de diciembre 2011

Conferenciantes invitados (para visionar las conferencias en Politube, pulsar sobre el título de cada una):

II Jornadas Valencianas en torno al Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Ordenador: “Abriendo nuevas puertas a la comunicación y el aprendizaje a través de la web 2.0 y dispositivos móviles”

2nd Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: “Opening New Doors for Communication and Learning through Web 2.0 and Mobile Devices”

Fecha de celebración: 9 de septiembre

Conferenciantes invitados:

  • Podcasting: Fernando Rosell Aguilar (Open University, Londres)
  • Blogging and Wikis: Tita Beaven (Open University, Londres)
  • Mobile Learning: Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (Open University, Londres)
  • Instant Messaging: Beatriz de los Arcos (Open University, Londres)
  • YouTube / Video streaming: Joan Tomás Pujolà (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Virtual Worlds (2nd Life): Graham Davies (Camsoft, Londres)
  • Digital Whiteboards: José Luis Villalba (Gevalmedia, Valencia)
  • Macmillan ELT online courseware: Richard Shepherd (Macmillan ELT, Madrid)

I Jornadas Valencianas en torno al Aprendizaje de Lenguas Asistido por Ordenador: “Herramientas de Autor para ALAO en la Web”

1st Valencian Workshop on Computer-Assisted Language Learning: “Authoring Tools for Web-Based Call”

Fechas de celebración: 26 y 27 de enero de 2007

Conferenciantes invitados:

  • Paul Bangs (Consultor independiente en tecnología educativa de lenguas)
  • Pedro Calbarro (Consejería de Educación de Extremadura)
  • Jozef Colpaert (Universiteit Antwerpen)
  • José Luis Chamero (Centro de Profesores de Puertollano, Ciudad Real)
  • Ana Mª Gimeno (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
  • Virginia González (Universidad de Valencia)
  • Antonio Hervás (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia)
  • Kurt Kohn (Universität Tübingen)
  • Alejandra Velasco (Consejería de Educación de Madrid)