Schedule: Virtual Strand (Conference Hall 3) Day and time to be announced
Title: A Survey of Web 2.0 Tools for Vocabulary Practice
Authors: Stephen Roney and John Allan
Abstract: ESP, English for Specific Purposes, is currently an important and growing focus of EFL; the same is no doubt true for the teaching of other languages. Vocabulary is the prime element of ESP, and vocabulary is essentially memory work. Computers have a vital function here: they can make memory drill interesting, especially for a generation that has grown up with video games.

This paper surveys some of the best applications available currently on the Web for interactive vocabulary practice, and demonstrates how we are using them in our program at College of the North Atlantic - Qatar. Other CALL programmes may find this a useful model.
Keywords: Web 2.0, vocabulary, ESP, CLIL
Main topic: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
Biodata: Stephen Roney is an instructor, Moodle administrator, and CALL chair for College of the North Atlantic Qatar. He is a past president of the Editors' Association of Canada and director of the Book and Periodical Council of Canada. John Allan, an instructor at CNAQ, holds two Masters' degrees in Educational Technology. Linda Earl is an instructor at CNAQ and former broadcaster.
Type of presentation Online presentation (Virtual Strand)
Paper category Research & Development
Target educational sector Vocational education
Language of delivery English