Schedule: | Virtual Strand (Conference Hall 3) Day and time to be announced |
Title: | Online Mind Maps for Language Learning: Assisted Risk Taking |
Authors: | Joséphine Rémon |
Abstract: |
Combining Information Literacy and English as a Foreign Language
teaching, we explore the use of online mind map creation at university
level. We attempt to build the theoretical framework that will allow us
to apprehend this practice, and study examples of mind maps created by
second year students. From a theoretical point of view, we integrate
the framework of CALL supported Content Integrated Language Learning
(CLIL). We consider that ICT sessions in the target language can
relieve linguistic pressure, by giving the students the opportunity to
use the language as a tool. We define linguistic pressure as the
pressure triggered by the linguistic objectives when the language is
not a tool but a goal in itself, which is also necessary. The use of online mind maps is combined with keyword searching on the Internet about a controversial topic, thus implying written comprehension and written production, the search for relevant keywords involving reading result pages and websites. Tag clouds, semantic clustering, knowledge structuring and knowledge sharing are all combined through this practice. Indeed, from a motivation point of view, several aspects are taken into account such as the controversial nature of the chosen topic, the use of an online tool, but also the fact that online mind map generators are knowledge sharing tools. We tackle incidental vocabulary learning through a semantic field approach. We consider that incidental vocabulary learning can be a bonus in a context of learning English as a foreign language. Beyond this incidental learning though, we introduce a distinction between Language Use and Language Learning, and study these sessions from a linguistic empowerment point of view. Indeed we look at error analysis in students’ written productions and consider it through linguistic risk-taking. We define linguistic risk-taking as the fact of going beyond the boundaries of mastered knowledge empowered by linguistic confidence, as opposed to staying within these boundaries, using only well-known structures and vocabulary. Along this line, we introduce the concept of Assisted Risk Taking, online mind maps being considered as an Assisted Risk Taking (ART) tool. Such a tool allows the learner to integrate a new element within a frame, thus making this element less unexpected because if the element was unknown, its position within a certain web of concepts was outlined. The learner has a vision of an area of knowledge even before filling in the gaps. We attempt to articulate this concept of expectancy with the noticing theory and recent works about nativisation. |
Keywords: | mind maps, tag clouds, search engine request, incidental learning, risk-taking, linguistic pressure |
Main topic: | CALL supported Content Integrated Language Learning (CLIL) |
Biodata: | No biodata provided. |
Type of presentation | Online presentation (Virtual Strand) |
Paper category | Research |
Target educational sector | Higher education |
Language of delivery | English |