Schedule: 2009-09-10 (12:00 - 12:45)
Parallel Session 1 (Room A-30)
Title: Motivational factors at play among students taking part in an department-wide e-learning program
Authors: James Pagel, David Reedy
Abstract: At recent EUROCALL conferences the authors have detailed the efforts that went into the implementation of an e-Learning program in all English classes in their department at a major private university in Tokyo. The five-year project has been extended two years due to an increase in funding, which was due greatly to the successfulness of this program.
In this presentation the authors demonstrate that commercial software can be employed on a large scale, given certain requisites, The most common obstacles to the institutional implementation are not having satisfied these requisites. It must be noted that the authors do not mean to support the use of any particular commercial software, but instead wish to point out the possibilities that exist pertaining to the use of computer software on a large scale.
The primary focus of the presentation will be a comparison of user rates among students operating on different reward systems. First year students in 2008 completing the e-Learning component received a much smaller reward than did their upper classmates. Yet, user rates among freshmen proved to be much higher than those of 2nd and 3rd year students. This raises questions about motivation, which will be addressed in this presentation.
The above-mentioned success of the implementation of the e-Learning component also has rekindled an avid interest in English education within the department. Funding, administrative support and facilities have been secured so as to allow for both a pre- and post-test to be administered to all students annually, the results of which play an important role in the authors’ current study. A comparison of data will also be incorporated into the presentation.
Keywords: Motivation, pre and post testing, scoring criteria, CALL software implementation,
Main topic: Curriculum development for CALL.
Biodata: James W. Pagel is an Associate Professor in the School of Science and Engineering at Aoyama Gakuin University. His academic interests are in learning-centered education and the use of computers in language education. A more recent area of interest is motivational strategies. David W. Reedy serves as Associate Professor in the School of Science and Engineering of Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, Japan. Besides academic pursuits, he is active in the promulgation of the university's international exchange program.
Type of presentation Paper presentation
Paper category Research
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English
EU-funded project No