Schedule: Virtual Strand (Conference Hall 3) Day and time to be announced
Title: The use of ICTs to enhance foreign language learning by using different web applications
Authors: Roxana Orrego, Miriam Salazar
Abstract: This paper addresses the use of ICTs to enhance reading, writing and speaking in a foreign language by means of different web applications. Two different experiences are described. On the one hand, one group develops argumentative essays by making use of their interaction with Friendster and Our Digital Culture web platform, which is hosted by the University of Dundee and owned by Dr. Nik Hyne. On the other hand, another group develops reading and writing in English to foster their oral skills in L2 by using blogs in the film and literature course. In this paper we will describe both experiences carried out in two different Chilean universities where English teacher trainees interacted with ICTs to foster their language learning. The main objective of this paper is to illustrate the students´ language learning process and their outcomes as encountered by the use of ICTs in foreign language learning. Students who developed argumentative essays by using Friendster application and Our Digital Culture made use of visual argumentation and multimodal texts, and students who blogged applied multimodal background knowledge, as collected from their reading and writing experiences, into their oral performance.
Keywords: ICT, digital literacy, multimodal text, blogs, argumentative essay
Main topic: Pedagogical change in technology integration
Biodata: Roxana Orrego, Ph.D. Professor of English and Linguistics at Universidad Diego Portales and Universidad de Santiago de Chile. She has taught EFL, EAP and ESP extensively for about 15 years. She holds a Master´s degree in English Linguistics from Universidad de Chile. She also teaches in the undergraduate English Teaching Training Program at Universidad de Santiago de Chile. Her research fields are ICTs and foreign language learning, reading comprehension from multimodal texts, academic writing and discourse analysis. Miriam Salazar, Professor of English and English Literature at Universidad Andrés Bello.She directs the general English Program at Universidad Andrés Bello where she also teaches in the undergraduate English Teaching Training Program.Currently, she is finishing her disssertation in the Master´s Program in Communication at Universidad Diego Portales. Her research interests include ICTs an foreign language learning and film studies.
Type of presentation Online presentation (Virtual Strand)
Paper category Reflective Practice
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English