Schedule: 2009-09-11 (16:30 - 17:30)
Poster Presentations and Commercial Exhibition (Exhibition Hall)
Title: On-line support of note-taking strategies for English language learners
Authors: Laura Hartwell
Abstract: Strategies are often viewed as having a positive effect on foreign language learning and competence. This study evaluates the use of note-taking strategies among 74 master-level French science students who viewed a video in exam conditions. The 10-minute video included authentic visual supports and clips of the neuroscientist, Bettina Debū discussing the physical capacities of children born prematurely. The students took notes during the video and then wrote a synthesis of the presentation. Test scores were based on the retention of information and not the quality of the English. The notes were collected and analyzed. These artifacts showed a recurrent use of abbreviations, symbols and signs which were directly transferable between the first and second languages. The study revealed that an expansive use of certain techniques was significantly correlated with higher test scores. However, other strategies, such as underlining key words, showed no correlation. Following this study, an on-line resource about note-taking during oral presentations or from oral documents was created for students with a B1 to C1 level of English (CERL).
Keywords: Strategies, note-taking, video, foreign language learning, on-line tool
Main topic: Innovative e-learning solutions for languages
Biodata: Not provided
Type of presentation Poster
Paper category (Other)
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English
EU-funded project No