Schedule: 2009-09-12 (10:00 - 10:45)
Parallel Session 1 (Room A-30)
Title: Literacy practices at the computer room in the SAC of UABC-México
Authors: María del Rocío Domínguez Gaona, Myriam Romero Monteverde, Carolina Bañuelos García
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to present some of the findings of an on-going research project that intends to analyze how students are learning languages in a Mexican self- access center at the computer area. Two main issues have been addressed in this study; they are the literacy practices found at the computer room in the SAC, and the benefits students perceive in their own language learning. This is a small qualitative study that is based on two instruments which are observations and a short interview. The subjects of the study are university students who work in the sac and are enrolled in the English courses of the language center. This study includes students from two different self-access centers at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, campi Tijuana and Tecate. First, a description of the context will be presented. Then, a picture of the methodology will be given. Next, the findings of the study will be explained. Finally, some conclusions will be discussed.
Keywords: Literacy practices, SAC, CALL
Main topic: Curriculum development for CALL
Biodata: María del Rocío Domínguez Gaona: She holds a B.A in English, a specialty in Teaching, a Master in Educational Technology and ELT. She teaches English and trains language teachers in the BA in Language Teaching and the Master in Teaching offered by UABC, Tijuana Mexico. She is interested in on-line learning, CALL, independent learning, self-access centers and language learning. Myriam Romero Monteverde She holds a B. A. in English Teaching by UABC, a B.Phil Ed in ELT by University of Exeter, a Master in Teacher Training by University of Exeter. She has taught English for 22 years and trains language teachers in the BA in Language Teaching and the Master in Teaching offered by UABC, Tecate,México. Carolina Bañuelos García holds a B.A in ELT, a Master in Teaching. She teaches English and trains language teachers in the BA in Language Teaching and the Diploma course in ELT offered by UABC, Tijuana Mexico. She is interested in CALL, speaking and language learning.
Type of presentation Research Paper
Paper category Reflective Practice
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English