Schedule: 2009-09-11 (17:30 - 18:15)
Parallel Session 3 (Room A-1)
Title: From the logbook to the forum: how to reinforce collaborative learning for a better student’s autonomy?
Authors: Anne Chateau, Hélène Zumbihl
Abstract: For the fourth consecutive year MA psychology students at Nancy2 University had to work on a flexible language learning system combining e-learning on a virtual learning environment based on Moodle, pair-work and counseling appointments. The use of this system has been studied for four years both quantitatively and qualitatively, following the tradition of action-research (Chateau, 2008; Chateau, Pereiro & Boulton, 2007; Chateau, Zumbihl, 2008). For the fourth population a logbook has been integrated into the scheme in order to favour a metacognitive approach by the students and to enable them to go a little further towards autonomy. At the same time the students can use a discussion forum to express their difficulties to both their peers and the teachers. Our research question is to know both if the use of logbooks helped the students progress towards autonomization in their learning of English, and how the study of the logbooks written by this year’s population can enable us to improve the use of the forum which has already proved successful to solve technical problems, and which could now be used to make the students’ learning strategies evolve. In this aim we have carried out a questionnaire to study the students’ perception of the system, as well as a both quantitative and qualitative discourse analysis of the logbooks. This analysis, should point out the problems encountered by the learners in the learning process in order to guide them more efficiently in their use of the forum. It would perhaps enable them to ask more precise questions concerning their learning strategies to which their peers and their teachers could answer. It would help develop collaborative learning strategies and may encourage the students to use strategies which they would primarily not have thought of. This study may lead to a higher degree of learners’ autonomy.

- Chateau, Anne. Langues-U: A digital campus to increase student’s autonomy? Language Centres at Universities: Crossing Bridges, Integrating Cultures. Frankfurt (Oder), CercleS, 2008.
- Chateau, Anne, Zumbihl, Hélène. Colloque ACEDLE janvier 2008 ‘Recherches en didactiques des langues’ Titre de la communication : Vers un dosage équilibré du guidage nécessaire à l’autonomisation ?
- Chateau, Anne, Myriam Pereiro & Alex Boulton. Some autonomy is the key¬—but how much exactly? EUROCALL: Mastering Multimedia: Teaching Languages Through Technology. University of Ulster. 5-8 septembre 2007.
Keywords: logbook – forum – flexible system – autonomy – collaborative learning -
Main topic: Research in new language learning environments
Biodata: Anne Chateau is senior lecturer in English for Specific Purposes at Nancy Université, teaching non-specialist students at the SCELV. Besides ESP, her research interests at the CRAPEL include blended learning systems as well as language learning with ICT. Hélène ZUmbihl is senior lecturer in ESP at Nancy University. Her current research interests focus on the use of ICT in language learning and teaching; distance learning, learning-to-learn and autonomisation in language learning
Type of presentation Paper presentation
Paper category Reflective Practice
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English
EU-funded project No