Schedule: 2009-09-09 (19:00 - 19:30)
Educational Showcase (Sala de Conferencias 1)
Title: Enhancing Intercultural Communicative Competence through Tellecollaboration: An intercontinental video-web communication project between Chile and The Netherlands.
Authors: Emerita Bañados Santana, Kristi Jauregi-Ondarra
Abstract: This paper describes an intercontinental tellecolaborative video-web communication project set up to enrich and internationalize the language learning environment and culture of students of Spanish as a foreign language at Utrecht University (UU), The Netherlands, and learners of English as a Foreign Language, from diverse undergraduate programs, as well as pre-service native teachers of Spanish as a first language studying at the University of Concepción (UdeC), Chile. The project learning objective aimed at enhancing learners’ Intercultural Communicative Competence (Byram, 1997) through telecollaboration, integrating the use of video-web communication tools in their language learning environment to carry out tellecolaborative tasks.
Keywords: CMC, Tellecolaboration, communicative competence,video-web communication, interaction
Main topic: Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)
Biodata: Emerita Bañados is an associate professor at the University of Concepcion. She is the Director of the University Communicative English Program UdeC English Online. She designed a b-learning pedagogical model for the University Comunicative English learning environment and led its implementation as project coordinator and developer. Her work experience and research interests include: applied linguistics, the use of ICT for foreign language learning environments, CALL/ICALL, e-learning and b-learning, courseware and materials design, TBLT in online systems, feedback, virtual foreign/native speaker interaction through computer videoconferencing, CSCL, and teacher training. Kristi Jauregi Ondarra works at the Spanish Department of Utrecht University where she teaches Spanish as a Foreign Language and lectures on Language Pedagogy at Bachelor and Master degrees. Her fields of expertise include foreign language acquisition and teacher training, task-based language teaching, computer mediated communication, and intercultural pragmatics. She has participated in different ICT projects. She coordinates now the international project awarded by the Europpean Union: NIFLAR (Networked Interaction in Foreign Language Acquisition and Research).
Type of presentation Courseware Exhibition
Paper category (Other)
Target educational sector Higher education
Language of delivery English
EU-funded project Yes